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Noise at work

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 ensures that employers protect workers' hearing from excessive noise in their workplace. It places a duty on employers to ensure that actual noise exposure levels meet the current exposure limits. By law, as an employer, you must protect your employees' hearing by assessing and identifying measures to reduce or eliminate risks from noise exposure.

This law is most relevant to employers whose business involves using:

Employees of all ages can be affected by loud noises, so age should not be considered relevant when ensuring a safe working environment for employees. Damage from exposure to loud noise can easily go unnoticed until it adds up and is too late. It can result in permanent injury, such as loss of hearing or tinnitus (permanent ringing in the ears), making prevention very much required.

Noise can also cause other issues in the workplace, such as interfering with general communication and making warnings harder to hear.

Noise assessment survey

Do you believe you have a noise problem at work?  If so, you need to undertake a risk assessment.

The aim of the risk assessment is to help you decide what you need to do to ensure the health and safety of your employees who are exposed to noise. It is more than just taking measurements of noise - sometimes measurements may not even be necessary.

If you decide a survey is necessary, employers must assess the level of noise workers are exposed to and the resulting risk. This assessment will identify areas or activities in your workplace that exceed the exposure limit and require action. Each activity will have noise level measurements taken using static and personal readings. You will then receive recommendations based on the readings obtained from both measurements.

Prioritised noise control action plan

After completing the noise assessment survey, employers should use a prioritised noise control action plan to manage high-risk areas. Low-risk areas might have more simple and inexpensive solutions. Potential actions required to reduce noise exposure could be:

Any future changes in the workplace that could affect noise exposure will require another review of the noise assessment survey. This review will allow employers to implement any necessary changes. It is essential to stay alert to any changes in noise levels since it is not always apparent that there is a potential noise hazard. Employers should take measurements regularly to keep on top of noise levels and remain within the guidelines.

Getting everything right is paramount if you're in an industry where noise is a potential safety issue. Don't take a chance; bring in a professional to ensure everything is done right. RISG Solutions is ready to help you. Visit our website to arrange a consultation now.

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