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Financial Benefits of Implementing Health & Safety

When it comes to health and safety in the workplace, some of the benefits are obvious. No-one wants to see members of the team get hurt or experience the negative morale or motivation that poor H&S standards can cause.

However, there are plenty of financial reasons that it makes sense as well. Here are some of the ways that effective H&S practices can be an investment that pays off.

Ensure peak productivity

Beyond everything else, accidents and injuries in the workplace are a major disruption. Outside of the fact that members of your team can be forced to take absences, incidents themselves can stop a productive day in its tracks. With a reduced risk, productivity is allowed to continue unchecked, leading to better profits.

Fewer absences and sick leave

Workplaces that do not take the impact of the work environment on the health of their employees seriously risk a drastic level of absences and sick leave. Comprehensive hygiene rules, ergonomic working conditions, and other health and safety practices help the workforce stay healthy, meaning you don’t have to pay as much for members of the team who aren’t present.

Reduce the costs of turnover

A high rate of accidents and illnesses can get in the way of staff retention efforts. If your staff notice risks that aren’t being addressed, they may be likely to attempt to find better working conditions elsewhere. As a result, you may have to pay the costs of advertising, recruitment and training which are all a significant financial and time cost.

Save on insurance

Every accident and injury in the workplace covered by your policy forces you to pay a minimum excess on top of what your insurance pays out. Furthermore, the more accidents you have to cover, the more expensive it gets. A comprehensive health & safety policy can be shown to your provider, ensuring them that you are a low-risk customer, which can help reduce your premiums.

Avoid hefty legal costs

The costs that your insurance cannot cover could be even more of a risk to your business. Employees may consider taking legal action against the company, with the risk of lawsuits or severe fines becoming a reality. Even if the court sides against the employee and finds that your business wasn’t guilty of any negligence, the costs of going through the case alone are worth making the effort to avoid. For further information on fines and penalties, please visit our previous blog: http://www.risgsolutions.co.uk/blog_new_sentencing_guidelines.html

Ensure a comprehensive approach to H&S with RISG Solutions

Now that the benefits of investing in H&S are clear, it’s time to invest in a safer workplace, and RISG Solutions can be just the team to help you. Whatever the gaps in your H&S provisions are, we can ensure you fill them, creating a documented health and safety management system that addresses the needs specific to your business.

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