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Risg Solutions offers professional customised health, safety, environmental, quality and fire management solutions. Our goal is to support your company in complying with your legal and moral duties, whilst also positively impacting your financial and business performance.

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Temperatures in The Workplace

Winter is now well and truly here, with plunging temperatures, snow, and other bad weather. It is an important time of year for employers to ensure they're doing all they can to protect their employees and ensure they are working within safe and comfortable temperatures and comply with government regulations.

According to HSE, there is a temperature range that people should work within. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations require employers to provide a reasonable indoor temperature. The Approved Code of Practice states, "the minimum temperature in an indoor workplace should normally be at least: 16oC or 13oC if much of the work involves rigorous physical effort" [source]

Employers should take practical steps to help protect their workers in low temperatures to ensure their health and well-being. Employers should provide the following:

- Heating so that a comfortable temperature can be maintained. This can include portable heaters

- Create and implement processes so that workers aren't exposed to cold areas and cold products

- Take steps to reduce draughts

- Provide workers with adequate protective clothing for cold environments, where applicable

- Provide workers with special footwear or insulated floor coverings if they are required to stand for prolonged periods on cold floors

- Give employees adequate breaks so they can warm up in heated areas

- Limit employee's time spent in cold temperatures by encouraging flexible working, job rotation or similar

If employees complain about low temperatures or report any illnesses or health concerns resulting from low temperatures in the workplace, employers should take the necessary steps to review this and make changes accordingly. Employers should consider the following:

- Monitoring workplace temperatures and their effect on employees as part of their risk management.

- Carrying out health surveillance for workers with illnesses and disabilities, who are pregnant and who are taking specific medication

- Reviewing working habits and practices and making changes to control risks

Employers with home-working employees should remember that they also have a duty of care for home workers as well as those working in the office or other workplaces. Whilst employers don't need to conduct home visits and test temperatures in employees' homes, they should remind home workers of the need to maintain safe temperatures and provide advice on how to do this. They should also make it clear that if employees cannot sustain a safe working temperature at home, they can come into the office instead.  

If you need help ensuring your employees are protected during low temperatures, Risg Solutions is here to help. No matter what you need, we have a consultant with the necessary skills, experience, and expertise to carry it out. We offer professional, customised health, safety, environment, quality, and fire management solutions. Our goal is to support your company in complying with your legal and moral duties whilst positively impacting your financial and business performance.

Get in touch with us today by calling Swansea at 01792 721 750, Cardiff at 02920 099 450, or emailing info@risgsolutions.co.uk and a team member will get back to you as soon as possible.

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